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Hormones & Antibiotics

If you buy meat at a grocery store or restaurant it is very likely that the beef has measurable amounts of growth hormones in the meat.

Animal Welfare

American ranchers never raise their calves in a crate. Calves are raised by their own mothers.

Heart Healthy Beef

Contrary to what your parents may have heard decades ago, recent studies indicate that beef is an essential part of a healthy diet.

11 Health Benefits of Eating Beef

Animal foods naturally contain carnitine, which helps turn your food into energy. Red meat is a good source of carnitine.

Big Meat Just Can’t Quit Antibiotics

For decades, evidence had amassed that the widespread use of antibiotics to make livestock grow faster. 

The Truth About Grass Fed Beef

It is a myth that “grass fed” beef over the last two decades the idea of “grass fed” beef has grown in popularity.

Your Guide To Different Cuts Of Steak

We’re breaking down the differences between seven of our favorite steaks, including how to cook each of them to juicy perfection. 

Beef Myths & Facts

Beef has been a staple in diets around the world, but it’s also surrounded by numerous myths that can cloud public perception. Read all about the various myths and facts in the industry.

Hormone Free Brands

Some brands claim they don’t use antibiotics, though they do. View this and other claims we’ve found. Information is subject to change wihtout notice, and we do not endorse any of these brands.